Luis Alberto Tame, son of one of the legends of Mexican motorsports such as Freddy Tame, confirmed his team's participation in the 2022 NASCAR Mexico Series and spoke about an important issue such as sponsorship.

Luis Alberto Tame, son of one of the legends of Mexican motorsports such as Freddy Tame, confirmed his team’s participation in the 2022 NASCAR Mexico Series and spoke about an important issue such as sponsorship.

“Motorsport is exposed to millions of people around the world, and its advertising power is enormous. For this reason, brands advertise (despite the economic crisis) on cars and thus expand their fame and increase their income from circuits and the media”, he said.

Tame further said that it is no coincidence that more and more nationally and internationally recognized companies are using motorsports as an important part of their marketing mix.

“Motorsports represents a unique advertising scheme, since it integrates various elements that could only be obtained by contracting campaigns at very high costs; while a brand’s involvement in a racing team can be multifaceted and reach a very wide audience, at a significantly lower cost.”

He clarified that the world of motorsports is very different from any other sport. With all the promotional activities that take place at events, the fan is much more than a spectator. He is part of the action.

“A sponsor must be aware that it is not just about placing its brand on the competition car, but also being present at: autograph signings in shopping malls, car presence at points of sale, product promotion at events (Sampling , etc.), autograph signings after each race. Presence at events of the sponsoring company (Openings, trade shows, motivational talks, etc.). Sponsor Days offering its collaborators and clients the unique opportunity to get into a racing car”, he concluded.

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